Solenoid Valves

Solenoid Valve DIN 43650 Electrical Connectors

An electrical DIN connector is required to allow safe connection of the electrical supply (cable) to the equipment or Solenoid Valve. Most European solenoid valves will be fitted with an IP65 solenoid valve coil that will require an electrical DIN plug or connector. Some US, Asian and even specialised high power, high temperature, cryogenic or agricultural solenoid valves will come with flying lead wires typically 30 cm long which will need to be connected directly to the electrical power supply.


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Common types of Electrical DIN connector sizes are as follows.

DIN 43650A DIN Connector sizing


Electrical DIN 43650A Connector Sizes

DIN 43650A standard connectors can be rotated in 90 degree intervals according to the coil pin orientation and application space requirements as below.

DIN 43650A options


DIN 43650B DIN connector sizing

Electrical DIN 43650B Connectors

DIN 43650B industrial form connectors can only be rotated in 180 degree intervals according to the coil orientation and application space requirements.

solenoid vale electrical connectors

Wiring, an electrical DIN Electrical Connector 

solenoid vale electrical connectors

It is best practice to wire the electrical DIN connector, same as you should do at home.

+ve power supply (Red or Brown wire) to terminal 1

-ve power return (Black or Blue) to terminal 2

as seen on the picture on the left-hand side.

 It is however best practise and probably essential when working in damp environments to achieve the correct IP Protection Rating that you use the correct size of the cable into the conduit entry so that the rubber grommet fits firmly against the external cable sleeve to prevent water ingress into the connector.

solenoid vale electrical connectors

Basic PG Cable Gland ratings s follows:

PG9 is for cable diameters 6 to 8mm and PG11 is for cables 8 to 10mm diameter. 

Also ensure correct fitting of the gasket between the connector and the coil with correct or adequate torque.

Typical Torque Settings for DIN connectors are:

Strain relief nut: 1.8N/m +/- 10%

Central fixing screw: 0.4 N/m +/- 10%

Contact Screw: 0.2 N/m +/- 10% 

It is also important as correct sizing and fitting not only protects the electrical system but also everything and everyone around the connector. Keeping the circuits safe, dry and helping to keep the cable securely fixed in place. 

How to wire a DIn 43650 Electrical DIN Connector
Orientation of the connector is also important

It is best practise to be sure the cable conduit entry is facing down with cable entry from bottom and that the electrical cable has sufficient slack in it so that it drops under the connector and back vertically up and into the conduit entry of the plug. This will help prevent water ingress gravitating into the connector through the conduit entry keeping it safe with any water droplets and moisture gravitating away from the conduit entry point.

Helpful Hint: In very damp, moist or exposed environments either fill connector with silicone sealant, sealant on the gasket that is between connector and solenoid valve coil. Some sealant at the top of the coil is also advised or at least offer some basic over head cover to the coil. Do not lag or wrap the coil too much as this will trap the heat generated by the coil causing premature failure.

Electrical DIN Connector Types

solenoid vale electrical connector sizes

Some electrical DIN connectors are available pre wired, i.e. already have cable installed for ease of installation. This is especially helpful for OEM customers who are fitting large quantities of electrical connectors. Having a cable supplied to customer specification in length, type and diameter with the connector correctly fitted or moulded at one end will dramatically reduce manufacturing time and costs. This is not limited to connector type or configuration and in some instances specialist connectors can be fitted to both ends. Especially useful when wiring electric actuators, solenoid valves, switches and other electrical devices with pre-wired DIN plug cables. Moulded plug assemblies provide a more secure electrical installation and offer many technical advantages.

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